Brian presenting a product showcase at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Brian presenting a product showcase at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Lindsay guiding students through a planning exercise in the Absaroka Mts., WY.

Lindsay guiding students through a planning exercise in the Absaroka Mts., WY.

Facilitation Services

At InGage we strongly believe in people helping people. Our facilitation services are geared towards helping you get the most out of your group experiences. We offer a variety of facilitation services and would be happy to assist you with:

  1. Team Building Exercises (MBTI® and Strengths Finder) - better understand and work with each other!

  2. Meeting Facilitation - keep things on track for clearer outcomes!

  3. Hosting Seminars or Workshops (e.g., goal setting or time management) - get what you need to achieve your goals!

  4. Keynote Addresses - looking for a little humor or thought provocation to kick things off? We’ve got you covered!

  5. Book Clubs - expose your team to alternative ways of thinking!

How do you gather information, make decisions, & engage the world?

How do you gather information, make decisions, & engage the world?

Our facilitators will help you develop your own Hierarchy of Goals!

Our facilitators will help you develop your own Hierarchy of Goals!

The InGage Success Lab

Earl Nightingale said it best - “we become what we think about.” Goal setting is the imperative foundation upon which you build successful lives and careers. The InGage Success Lab will help you do just that!

Through the InGage Success Lab, we’ll work with you on a series of steps to complete - from discovering yourself to setting goals to networking - and then mentor you through them… all at your own pace!

This is a “lab” meaning we’re not going to just tell you what to do. Each client is different and has different goals and challenges. Thus, we’ll work with you, side by side, until you’re satisfied.

Sign up as a team with your organization, or as an individual, to experience the best of what the InGage Success Lab has to offer.

The Steps:

  1. Discover Yourself (MBTI®) - how do you take in information, make decisions, and engage with the world?

  2. Discover Your Strengths (Strengths Finder) - identify what can you be great at?

  3. Set Your Goals - use the Hierarchy of Goals to develop your roadmap to success.

  4. Become the CEO of Your Life - do you spend your time on what’s most important?

  5. Establish Your “Executive Presence” - get to know the big three!

  6. Networking, Networking, Networking - become known… so you can be hired.

  7. Distinguish Yourself From the Pack - set yourself apart from other high achievers through the Art of Charm.

  8. Diversify Your Skillsets - become pretty good at a wide range of things.

  9. Develop Real Leadership - don’t be an “excellent sheep”…

  10. Be Proactive and Manage Up - you’re the only one looking out for you!

    And… ACTION!

    Contact us for a free consultation on how the InGage Success Lab can work for you.

It’s not by any miracle that an architect builds a building. He simply has a goal, a plan, and the right resources.
— Earl Nightingale